— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
On or off the streets, cyclists just get no love from the city's motorists and yawning activists—even if they leave the site of the after party pretty clean. What's a bike parade to do?
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
On or off the streets, cyclists just get no love from the city's motorists and yawning activists—even if they leave the site of the after party pretty clean. What's a bike parade to do?
Comments (6)
I don't think before I type | [Permalink]
If it was the same idiots that were riding down Market St Friday night, most of the traffic wasn’t happy being completely locked up for 20 minutes while bikes literally rode circles in the Market & Van Ness intersection. Having a ‘parade’ is one thing, but intentionally causing deadlock and wasting other peoples time is not cool. It was difficult to not give in and drive all of them over.
david | [Permalink]
Critical Mass does NOT represent all cyclists.
misogynistic man-hater | [Permalink]
Kill Whitey!
Zach Perkins | [Permalink]
If critical mass would stop for every third red light, people might not hate them so much.
mattymatt | [Permalink]
Were they making a ton of noise? That would be kind of annoying for people in the neighborhood trying to sleep.
P.D.Bird | [Permalink]
I’l just say this. as a rider who works from my bike,and has been car free for the last 12 years,does all my vacations,work,play and chores by bike.I stop at ALL stop signs/lights. Then when it is time(A well known fact,6pm last friday of month) to ride in our police escorted parade around the city I dont stop. One reason being is that I have seen the cops demand that we proceed so that the mass can come and go in the little amount of time as possible. one thing that has always worried me is the “Circling”at intersections, no matter what tho,it is not going away. Anyone who rides a bike in this town owes a lot the chris and the others who were brave enough to start demanding more space on the roads.Period. If you dont like CM,then just go back to the status quo. Help destroy the environment,help keep Saudi women in bondage,help prop up unjust regimes and help the war mongers stay on course. Or you can act,and not deny yourself of any tactics that you have at ur disposal and help create a better world. Yes,i am a dreamer,but i’m not the only one. Wind,solar,and bikes. Yes this current destructive system will not make that transition,but thats the point.One day we will look back at our self centered car culture and wonder why we waited till we had no choice and could have made the pain a lot less. Instead,in the name of profit,laziness and the unwillingness to take PERSONAL resposabilty for each ones actions(or lack of it) we continue down the path or destruction and not toward the greatness that mankind is destined for.