We've Already Peed Out a Muni Window, Why Not Poo Ourselves Too?


Now that dropping your drawers and tinkling out of a moving bus window is a thing, why not step your game up and straight up shit yourself while riding the Double Duece-Fillmore?

Well, according to @franoero, some fearless pioneer did just that at 10pm last night on the 22:

For the sake of humanity, someone please illustrate this foul scene.

[Photo by @franoero, via Muni Diaries]

Comments (4)

12 years ago I used to work downtown and would take the 27 down. One day some dude spewed diarrhea in his pants. We were momentarily frozen as the brown stain spread down the legs of his khaki dockers – and then the smell. I jumped out at the next stop. That day after work I went and bought a bike.

A duece on the duece.

The worst thing I’ve ever smelled on Muni were two bums who were – and there’s no nice way to put this – partially decomposed.

Shit on by the SFMTA. Nothing new about that.