— By Alissa |
Hello internet please meet my new bff Lucy the Playground Iguana. We found each other in South Park yesterday and now we are friends 4 life.
When I found Lucy she started running* towards me and not gonna lie, I was a lil scared because iguanas are modern day dinosaurs. But then everything was cool. We have a lot in common, namely the fact that both our tummies drag on the ground when we walk.
Here is another picture of my new bro from a different angle:
Lucy's owner told me that she is a blood relative of Lil Wayne and I was like oh yah, makes total sense.
Comments (5)
friscolex | [Permalink]
I can totally see you guys getting tattoos of each other’s likeness.
I wonder if there’re any relation to this iguana I met about a year ago at a castle in Osaka? Too hard to tell with the gold lamé jacket? Here’s a better view…
Eric Gregory | [Permalink]
This is someone’s pet, right? Seems like it wouldn’t survive in an urban setting. Well, baring the situation where toxic waste turned it into a giant mutant monster, but it looks like that hasn’t happened here.
Mr. Reasonable | [Permalink]
I bet she eats dot-com startup drones for lunch.
O'Leary | [Permalink]
Sneak up on some hipster from Sioux City, drop her in his lap and listen to him shriek like a Georgia white woman.
KyleM | [Permalink]
Hoe many used needles did that lizard get stuck in the belly with crawling through the Southpark playground sand?