— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I’m generally of the opinion that people don’t put up lame signage unless there is actually a problem. What’s up? Roaming packs of feral children knocking over beers and burgling sausages?
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I’m generally of the opinion that people don’t put up lame signage unless there is actually a problem. What’s up? Roaming packs of feral children knocking over beers and burgling sausages?
Comments (4)
Broke-Ass Stuart | [Permalink]
Thanks god! Parents need to teach their children how to behave in a fucking restaurant.
Anonymous Troll | [Permalink]
I’ll get my kids drunk if I want to. They’re my puppets until age 18. This is America.
CP | [Permalink]
burgling sausages!
Cowering Behind The Mask of Anonymity | [Permalink]
Every time I’ve been there, there’s been groups of hipster parents with their toddlers in tow near the treestump table, completely oblivious (and I really do mean that) to the fucking screaming, horseplay, and running around their kids are doing. Please people, don’t give your kids utensils as noisemakers in a restaurant. Not even a loud one like Rosamunde. I think hipster parents see this as one of the only places they can go to a “bar” and bring their kids. That’s fine. Just don’t tune out and let your kids run wild.