The Great Outdoors

Summer Mini Vacation #2: The nude side of Baker Beach

Yesterday my friends & I got up bright and early (read: around noon) and mobbed out to Baker Beach … after making a quick pit-stop on Clement for some mimosa-making supplies. It was foggy when we got there, so we spread out our blankets on the clothed side - among dudes in Polartec vests walking golden retrievers and a Russian wedding with no fewer than eight inches of clip-in hair extensions per bridesmaid - and ate our lunch.

An hour or so later, the sun broke through the fog, the sky cleared and my friend and I managed to talk everyone else into a mass migration to (dun dun DUN) the Naked Side.

While obviously I can't put naked pictures of myself and my friends frolicking in the ocean on this blog, suffice it to say it was an invigorating experience.

There is truly nothing like climbing on rocks barefoot, seaweed between your toes, as the waves crash all around you, nothing like running naked through the surf with a 40 of High Life in your left hand and a carton of Tropicana in your right. I can't help but throw out a really trite reference here, but … I've sometimes wondered what it's like to be on one of Ryan McGinley's infamous naked roadtrips. If yesterday was any indication, the answer is really, really amazing.

For real though, readers, you all should do this! Maybe you can't afford to jet off to the Ligurian Riviera for topless sunbathing, but it is fully possible to create a little piece of Cinque Terre right here in San Francisco. I'm not a hippie by any means, but being naked in nature is straight-up fun.



so I just got this email blast with this flyer for a free earth party in the park, I thought oh that’s cool I guess but then I saw The Jacka was on the line up to perform and thought OH THAT’S FUCKING AWESOME! All I can hope for is that some lame’s afternoon of tight rope walking to be ruined by the sweet sounds of the Mob Figaz. I am no fan of Goapele but I will go to any show that has the possibility of Husalah showing up. When he came out with Jacka during Freeway’s set at Mezzanine I kind of lost my shit. In a perfect world Husalah would be up there chanting you’re pretty cool for a black guy and yelling bring me another beer to a sea of apathetic skinny pants. 

youtube failed me for a video of I’m A Wild Child so you get the latest Husalah youtube joint instead.

Valencia Rain Forest

I know, I know.  Nothing new about trees being planted on Valencia.  That said, anyone walking down Valencia yesterday afternoon with their faces not glued to their cellphones likely noticed how cool this row of trees looked in the rain.

McLaren Park Could Once Again Have a Bike Park

Did you know that McLaren Park was once a 70s hot bed of Bay Area BMX racing?  Well, with any luck, SF Urban Riders are going to turn it into one again.  You know what that means?  A place for teenagers to drink after school.  THE HORROR.

But really, this is a great project and I hope it goes through.  If you also hope it goes through, there is a very important planning meeting happening this Wednesday the 19th at 6:30 at the Louis Sutter Roadhouse.  Go and fight the NIMBYs.

More information (and pics!) of McLaren’s bicycle past.

More information (with pics of how crappy the park is now!) of McLaren’s bicycle future.

The first of hopefully many summer mini-vacations

On Friday afternoon, I decided to get out of the city and its horrid overcast weather and spend the day drinking beers in a rowboat.

Yes, it was as awesome as it sounds.

We met up in Berkeley and drove out Highway 24 into the picturesque (read: bougie, white) town of Lafayette. In town we failed to find Four Loko anywhere (god, suburbia, get it together!) and ended up buying beer and Cooks instead. At the Lafayette reservoir we rented a rowboat and set out to sea lake pond. I won’t go on about the rest of our afternoon, I just wanted to share this lovely day trip with Uptown readers because I imagine many of us tire of spending every sunny day at Dolores Park and, especially given the impending closures, it’s nice to have alternative places for outdoor daytime drinking.

Although we drove, the Lafayette Reservoir is highly BART-able. Once you’re there, parking is $6 and boat rental is $25 for up to 5 hours. There’s a Safeway pretty nearby for picnic food and drink. If you intend to get Lok’d though, you’ll probably have to make a pit stop in Oakland or be sorely disappointed like we were. More info about the Lafayette Recreation Area can be found here. Let’s go Summer 2010!

Less time wasting, more patios!

 If you live in the Mission you’ve probably noticed the marvelous sidewalk widening project that’s underway on Valencia between 16th and 18th. At my estimation the sidewalk is about 15 feet wide now which means you can ditch your former single file method and start walking in tandem with your friends. I bet you could get a human chain of at least 5-7 people going uninterrupted. Additionally, you could comfortably rollerblade (this hood is full of avid rollerbladers, didn’t you know?) - with extra wide lunges - or run with your arms outstretched in a zig zag pattern down the sidewalk. This is wicked exciting right? WRONG.

valencia sidewalk

Who is planning this garbage and why am I giving you better ideas for free? Well, here it is, on the house. This project is a complete waste of time. Because of the trees planted next to the road, what we’re really getting is 3-4 feet of extra sidewalk room. OH NEAT. The extra room given is not going to allow restaurants to put tables on the sidewalk. There’s nothing cool that can happen outside. Literally, at best, you can now get around the crowd outside of Casanova on a Friday night without getting pissed off. 

This city needs more fucking patios. The sidewalk widening could be great. It could extend all the way across Valencia making it a pedestrian street. A what?! Yes. Shut down Valencia. It’s a shitty street to drive on, it’s a shitty street to walk on and I’ll speculate it’s shitty to bike on too. And if it’s not, shut your pie hole and go bike down Mission Street. Just imagine, tables outside, benches, trees… Places to chill without getting a grass stain on your ass or having some dog eat your burrito. I want a place where I can hang outside and have a drink or a coffee or dinner that’s not fucking Medjool. Let’s make this happen, people.

Free zipline rides in Justin Herman Plaza starting tomorrow!

So, I don’t know about you all, but I’m definitely doing this.

Urban Zip-Line Coming to San Francisco! Zoom 600 Feet Over Justin Herman Plaza for Free

Those people in British Columbia, they like to have fun. So, in order to get you to think about taking your next vacay up in the Great White, they’re going to install a 600-foot-long zip-line* in Embarcadero Square and run it for eleven days starting April 8th, 2010. And, assuming you meet their physical requirements (It looks like I’ll qualify, but 280-pound Epic Beard Man Thomas Bruso probably won’t), you’ll be able to harness up and go for a 200-yard ride FOR FREE.

Imagine zooming over the giant white tent hey’re constructing for Peter Pan (opening April 27th!) at neighboring Sue Bierman Park.

(via sfcitizen)

Thanks, Canada! I doubt I’ll ever go up there to vacation, but the awesome free zipline ride will be much appreciated.
