
Bike-Filled Photo Show You Most Definitely Should Check Out Tonight

The fine folks over at Full Frame Collective have been crushing it since they launched their cycling-centric photo collective 8 weeks ago, and now they're taking their best-of and slapping it up on the walls of Mercury Lounge.  Presumably you should get there on the earlier side of thing, else you might find yourself in a desperate search for nearby bike parking.


Mission Police Station Creates Database of Recovered Stolen Bikes

When Mission Station isn't busy shipping resources downtown to harass the gentle and unemployed, they're doing real police work.  Like running a sting operation to catch bike thieves.

So what does that mean for you, thee of the liberated bicycle?  Well, you might actually be able to get your ride back, should your bike be listed on SFPD's new stolen bike site.  The database isn't exactly brimming with stolen bikes waiting to be reunited with their owners or anything like that, but it's a step in the right direction.

And in the event your bike is lifted in the future, Mission Station offers some precautionary tips for making sure you get your bike back quickly:

Mark your bicycle so that you can easily prove it's yours.  Some fire station or police departments sell bicycle licenses, which is one way to label your bicycle.  There are links to online registries.  You can also simply write your name on a piece of paper and slip it inside the handlebars.  Or write your name underneath your seat with an indelible marker.

Bicycle Pinup Party Tonight at Photobooth

Thought You Knew's somewhat controversial bicycle pinup calendar is making its West Coast debut at tonight at Photobooth.  Photobooth promises the presence of lovely ladies, sexy pinup art, hot bikes, and hella tintype photography—presumably this show is BYOB.

For the unfamiliar, this is what TyK's calendar is all about:

Beyond putting the most slammin’ hot pinups possible onto a calendar page, TyK is dedicated to helping women become more confident. Confident not only on their bikes, but in the rest of their lives. Cycling once freed women from the strict requirements of fashion, providing an excuse to untie their corsets and don bloomers rather than long skirts. The mobility that a bicycle brought to those women was even more empowering.

TyK’s pinups draw on that same tradition of empowerment through the personal mobility, while also letting women find confidence in the ownership of their sexuality. The experience of being the center of attention during their photo shoot does not fade when the lights go down and the hairspray washes out. Each woman carries her pinup self with her wherever she goes, into board rooms or bike shops.

TyK's Alexis Finch also describes the project as a way to break down the pervasive stereotypes of women in the cycling world as being either “totally girly or as one of the guys.”

A pinup girl owns her sexuality. The tiny little peek of an ankle that you get to see; it's the flirtatious look over a shoulder. It's about knowing what you've got, and giving it out in whatever dose you feel like giving it. For women in the cycling community, where your sexuality has been so much of a detriment to being taken seriously…if you can realize the power that that has, it makes it a lot easier to walk in to a shop and be like: yeah, I got all this, but I also know how to fix a flat.

You can read more about the project over at The A.V. Club, or just head over Photobooth (1193 Valencia @ 23rd) tonight at 7.

Beautiful Maps of SF and More Available Tomorrow at ARTCRANK

Tomorrow night (7pm at 111 Minna) is ARTCRANK, the yearly bike-themed poster and art show that helps raise some cash for the Bike Coalition and local artists.  And just like the past two editions of ARTCRANK, this year's show promises tons of cheap, local posters, excessive beer consumption (courtesy of Widmer), and a custom bag raffle from Chrome.  Plus, you can score yourself a print of Meghan Newell's dazzling map of San Francisco—the first map I've seen to acknowledge Noe Valley's growing population of Victorian-era strollers and to identify Fisherman's Wharf as “Los Touristas.”

And just in case you're not sure of the official details, here's the event poster:

Full Frame Collective Hits You With a Daily Taste of the Life of a San Francisco Bike Messenger

Terry Barentsen and Dylan Bigby, whose work we love to feature here on Uptown, teamed up with photographers Jason Maggied and Kyle Emery Peck to roll out a hot new San Francisco-based bicycle photography project, Full Frame Collective.  The photography is killer, the backstories occassionally offer up tips for biking around the city faster, and their logo is a giant burrito'nuff said.
