Back in the Day

This Song Says Everything About Me That You Need to Know

The other day I was watching Con Air and reliving the pinnacle years of American cinema and got to thinking, “Hey Kevin, remember those days when a bald, self-deprecating Cuba Gooding Jr. could get hella airplay on MTV?  Do you think anyone even remembers Cuba?”  But let’s take this to the serious level, SKEE-LO is the best one-hit wonder of the 90s.  Yeah, we get all nostalgic and shit for Marcy’s Playground and Right Said Fred or whatever the fuck those Englishmen were called, but SKEE-LO killed that shit.  Rabbits, Impalas, fully admitting to sucking at basketball.  Us “cool-kids” could learn a thing or two from grandpa.

I ain't got no money in the bank...

Um, is that how that goes? I don’t get these new fangled rappers*. That’s because I’m about a thousand-years-old and HAVE (a modicum of) TASTE. I’d get behind a, “Oakland. Smokin’”  shirt tho. Can someone please get on that for me?? Luniz + Laura 4eva + eva + a day. 

Picture yanked from adorable SnackFace. If you want to skeeve over hot young thangs doing more with their lives than you ever will, head there. It’s thoroughly depressing YAY THE FUTURE!!!

*Except you, Lil’ Wayne! Call me, boo!


Remember how awesome you felt at 8:18 on November 4th, 2008?

The other day I was thinking about how epic the energy was in the Mission when McCain conceded the presidential election.  Hundreds of people rushed Valencia and occupied the 19th street intersection with music, dance, and drinks.  American flags were flying without a trace of irony.  People scaled lightposts to wave Obama signs and capture the moment.  Cops stood idly by with smiles on their faces.  Bartenders at Doc’s Clock jumped on the counter and started pouring liquor in everyone’s mouths.  Horns were blaring for most of the night.  To date, it remains one of my favorite nights in San Francisco.

Months later, Obama was sworn in and those 8 years were over.  Yeah, Aretha wore that crazy hat, but Obama hit the ground running by ordering Gitmo to close and made in-roads with the Arab world.  These were the good old days when we judged a president by their First Hundred Days.

But now it has we’re an entire year into the Obama presidency and I struggle to think of anything significant he has done.  We’re still in two wars, Gitmo is still open for business, he threw the gay community under the bus, he failed at doing anything meaningful with health care, our immigration policies are still fucked, he continues to hold prisoners indefinitely without trial, the banks still skull-fuck Americans on a daily basis, and he reauthorized the Patriot Act.  Sure, he is not as bad as Bush, he appointed Sotomayor, and planted a garden in the backyard, but I wouldn’t argue either of those moves really spent any political capital.  Obama had a filibuster-proof majority and completely squandered it.  Now some sleazebag that whores out his own daughters is the savior of America.

At least we still have 11/4/08.

Leave it to Beaverized San Francisco [VIDEO]

Brizz peeped this over on some dude named Shanan’s blog.  Dunno why he didn’t post this here (probably because blog is worthless but moving on…).  But really, this video is packed full of pleasure boats, grim federal prisons, monuments to the vision and skill of man, Muni trains on the Bay Bridge (??!!??), tall buildings on high hills, fishermen bringing back big catches of luscious sea foods of the deep Pacific, and some epic shots of Mission Dolores. BONUS: the video refers to “Uptown San Francisco.”

San Francisco by the Golden Gate: city of found memories and vision of progress for tomorrow.  And hella gang violence.

Bonus video: San Francisco World’s Fair 1939.

Fascinating Yosemite 1941

Wings over the Golden Gate 1930s [color - epic aerials]

1940’s SF: four tracks on Market
