Leave it to Beaverized San Francisco [VIDEO]

Brizz peeped this over on some dude named Shanan’s blog.  Dunno why he didn’t post this here (probably because blog is worthless but moving on…).  But really, this video is packed full of pleasure boats, grim federal prisons, monuments to the vision and skill of man, Muni trains on the Bay Bridge (??!!??), tall buildings on high hills, fishermen bringing back big catches of luscious sea foods of the deep Pacific, and some epic shots of Mission Dolores. BONUS: the video refers to “Uptown San Francisco.”

San Francisco by the Golden Gate: city of found memories and vision of progress for tomorrow.  And hella gang violence.

Bonus video: San Francisco World’s Fair 1939.

Fascinating Yosemite 1941

Wings over the Golden Gate 1930s [color - epic aerials]

1940’s SF: four tracks on Market

Comments (1)

Holy crap, there were a shit-ton of Munis on Market! There are, like, a tenth of those now. And not 5 cents, anymore, either.