Wendy MacNaughton

The Difference a Block Will Make

Wendy MacNaughton spent some time documenting the good life at the 5th and 6th Street intersections of Mission Street for The Rumpus.  The piece involves a hot mess of street portraiture, SRO history, and feral animals, but some important takeaways involves what you'll typically overhear:

And what you can see and smell:

The whole thing is worth a look, if only so you can ogle at every gritty detail in its full-size glory.

Living in SF Means You Have a Crush on the Girl at Tartine and Want to Move to The Sunset

Two of our favorite internet people, Broke-Ass Stuart and Wendy MacNaughton, have teamed up over at The Bold Italic to bring us a bang up piece on what Living in SF Means:

Living in San Francisco means continually dealing with impermanence.

It means having places you love close up forever. It means having friends get married and move to Oakland. Friends who leave to join the Peace Corps. Friends who go to rehab. Friends who lose their minds. Friends who move back to wherever the fuck they’re from. Friends who OD and never move again. It means dreading the inevitable earthquake that will ultimately wash this city into the sea.

Read the whole thing to find out about our professional lives, experience with noisy neighbors, getting sunburns on our collective cankles, and why we love reading essays like this.

Migratory Patterns Between Four Bars in One Day

Wendy MacNaughton over at The Rumpus has put together a solid pictorial of mission bars from the eyes of bartenders.  While the whole thing is worth checking out, one of the best parts was the segment dealing with regulars never staying at one bar.  I've done that fourth dance a few times myself, only sub Delirium for another bar that isn't a perpetual nightmare.

[The Rumpus, h/t Mission Mission]