— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |

Grief not included.
We know Kickstarter burn out and mistrust is at an all-time high, with Zach Braff and other doubtfully desperate artists pleading for money they already have. But this isn't that; this is The Secret Alley—the ever-necessary and adored workshop and community space sitting at Capp and 17th. Certainly you already familiar with their ping pong parties, movie nights, concerts, and halloween shows, and now they're looking to give their ground floor gallery some much needed love. Our friend and Secret Alley co-founder Ariel Dovas fills us in on their plans:
TSA has recently started a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter to renovate its downstairs gallery, The Galallery. This space, separate from the upstairs studio and workshop, has been host to many local talents over the years. In addition, the Galallery has been the home of TSA's annual Halloween-themed art shows and installations. 2012 saw a 12-foot-tall interactive deathray built by TSA members and hosted a surrounding art show with a doomsday theme. In 2013, TSA installed the crashed wreckage of a life-size flying saucer accompanied with creature sculptures, conspiracy paraphernalia, and alien animation and sound installation.
These renovations will include the installation of a new wood floor, custom designed to add to the already unique aesthetic sensibilities of TSA; a new, energy-efficient lighting system to allow for better, more professional lighting of artist works; and an overall patching and resurfacing of the existing walls and ceiling. Most all of the work will be done by current and past members of TSA. TSA is hoping that the humble fundraising goal of just over $6000 will be met within the next few weeks so construction can begin. This will allow the Galallery to open it's doors once again, to continue hosting some of the best, innovative, and underexposed artists, musicians, videographers, performers, and others the San Francisco Bay Area has to offer.
If this sounds like your kind of project, you can toss them a few bucks on Kickstarter. But do it quickly, because there is only a day and a half left.
Comments (11)
Kickstarter campaigns often remind me of Tom Sawyer getting other people to whitewash the fence for him. “Hey, we want to make capital improvements to private property. It will improve the value of the property, increase its basis, and make someone (landlord/owner) money on the back end. Care to pay for it?”
On the other hand, maybe Kickstarter is the answer for all of those precious businesses that SF adores but never actually buys anything from. See also: Adobe, Discolandia, etc.
You think a bookstore is precious?
I heard that guy is crying not cuz they might not make their goal but because he can’t wait for the new Star Trek movie. And you know what, that kind of die hard dork is worth supporting financially.
I don’t think I want to give money to people that want to do ‘flying saucer’ art , and doomsday installations. I would if
they actually addressed war, poverty, and the destruction of the middle class in the USA. Just saying.
Yep ‘community’. Need some money. To do our playground.
Yes, it’s an either/or proposition. Either you support artists or you support world peace. There is no middle ground!
Hey, thanks for letting us know! In addition to The Secret Alley, my day job is at a non-profit serving the Bayview Hunters Point community, I eagerly await your contribution to our work that strives to bring greater opportunity to the residents of this thriving city who are unable to access the bounty of resources.
I wish I could tie his shoes together while his head is buried in his hands like that.
Yay! Successful campaign is successful!
Yay Secret Alley loves world peace…and terrorists!!!!