— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I'm pretty sure these shirts are a meme from yesteryear and I always hate being late to the lolparty, however these things date wayyy back to 2008, a year before anyone read San Francisco blogs. Anywho, the only thing I don't like about these shirts are that there are only four of them. Make more, design nerds! LIke a shirt of the Richmond featuring a fog monster eating a frat boy, or a shirt of the Mission featuring a fog monster eating a frat boy in a hoodie.
Anyway, these pieces of fashionable hyper-local cotton were created at the sexy people at Ape Do Good Printing. Unfortunately, I cannot find a link to buy these shirts, which is such an epic first world problem it makes me want cry.
For those of you who want to actually buy a neighborhood shirt, Headline Shirts has an alternate.
(photos ripped straight from the Ape Do Good Printing flickr stream. Hat tip to Generic via ??? via ??? god this tumblr shit is hard)
Comments (9)
you can find these in various stores around town. Wishbone on Irving and 7th sells them over by where I live. They are pretty hilarious.
That’s not the Mission
Couldn’t you just ride your fixie there?
ah these rule so much
Look at the veins on that bro. Yikes.
LOL re: “1st world problem”.
You can poke around this site to buy stuff from the GGNRA line that inspired these awesome T-shirts here at least…
I have the Alcatraz poster, but NEED something with the Fort Point image.
I am absolutely going to buy the fauxmless tee and wear it during Sit/Lie debates.
I emailed Ape Do Good and got the following response:
“We have had so many requests for those tees but unfortunately do not have any contact info for tee sales (we only do the production), I recommend googling it.
Best of luck!
I guess whoever paid them to do the production is a tightly-guarded secret.
(photos ripped straight from the Ape Do Good Printing flickr stream. Hat tip to Generic via ??? via ??? god this tumblr shit is hard)
that would be via monkey-tone-news….
-yer welcome