— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
If things couldn't get any worse for Valencia Street residents and merchants this month, a 4-alarm fire tore through a building at the corner of Valencia and Duboce (kitty-cornered from Zeitgeist) this morning. Mission Local reports:
Five people were injured and at least 37 others displaced when a four-alarm fire scorched two buildings at the corner of Valencia Street and Duboce Avenue.
The number of displaced residents could increase, the AP reports.
Four firefighters and one resident were injured. None of the injuries were life-threatening, and all were taken to San Francisco General Hospital. Two of the firefighters were injured when a staircase collapsed. [Read on]
Comments (1)
Alibis nice lies suddenly another rental. Property on rent control harassing tenants. Leave due, Ellis Act yes fire. To evict them concern resent. Fire
22nd Mission unsolved yes ruled. Not arson notice majority fires Mission district. Ed Lee impartial read articles on. Dubose and Valenica and 22nd
Mission streets. Media continue say,lower income residents. On rent control also here. Buildings were set for sale? Irrevelent why fires? Displacing
residents always unfounded investigations. No former tenants can sue. Property owners on harassing them. Prior to fires going worsen soon!