— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Not going to lie, I'm wicked disappointed in this ad. Back in February, I was promised the Giants were filming their 2012 season commercial in the neighborhood, but it looks like much of it wound up on the cutting room floor:
Sure, Willy’s Barbershop, Nice & Clean Laundromat, Mission Ink, and Clarion Alley all make appearances. But where's the promised shots of Giants fans scarffing down burrito in Taqueria Cancun? Or perhaps Tim Lincecum chowing down with Ganja Treats? And isn't that Russian Hill in one of the shots? Gross.
At least they're incorporating the old Sparks branding into their 2012 artwork:
Comments (4)
Jeremy | [Permalink]
Let’s get back together? When did we break up? What’s going on, Giants?
fermata | [Permalink]
how about the missing apostrophe in “let’s” throughout? Nice!
Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable | [Permalink]
Dude, “Let’s” is a contraction of “let US” not “let IS”. And “Let Us Get Back Together” is exactly what you are saying. The only situation where “lets” would make sense is if you are using it to signify the plural of the NOUN meaning of “let” (basically, a lease, or a leased property).
So, unless you are trying to say “Leased Properties Get Back Together!”, you definitely need that apostrophe in there.
RenoDavid | [Permalink]
Relax, they do more than one commercial. Maybe the footage you were hoping for will show up later. This is all about the Giants getting ready for the upcoming season.