Warm Regards: Free Comedy In Front of Used Shoes

Chris Thayer (who you might remember from the first UA Locally-Sourced Pop-Up Comedy Night at The Roxie) has been doing this show almost monthly since last June and, as he puts it, “it's always free, always funny, and always in front of a bunch of used shoes at a clothing store.”  And he's not bullshitting you; I've seen two-thirds of these guys and gals—some multiple times—and can vouch for their ability to own any stage they get up on.

Here's the line-up:

Janine Brito
Billy Wayne Davis (SEATTLE)
Aparna Nancherla (LOS ANGELES)
Dave Thomason
Hosted by Chris Thayer

Here's the necessary details:

Saturday, February 4th, 2012
@ Afterlife Boutique
988 Valencia St. (near 21st St.)

And here's the facebook event.


Comments (1)

Shit. We missed it.