— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I feel asleep watching Jurassic Park the other day—around the scene with the rattling water glass—only to awake an hour later from dreams of velociraptors riding beach cruisers down Market Street and a drop of drool creeping down my shirt.
Somehow, the whole experience of nodding off while sitting erect watching a limp movie on my couch had fused Triassic period visuals into my everyday life. Perhaps not knee-high predators on clunky bicycles battling cabs and the light rail, but within hours I was seeing a Tyrannosaurus rex purchasing bulk gains and a Tie-dyeceratops staring at prepackaged meals. And while I'm sure I'm not the first person to wander into Rainbow Grocery seeing visions of lizards (see above), I am almost certain that my checkout clerk was a transsexual Jeffery Goldblum.
Long story short, Steven Spielberg and quinoa don't mix.
Comments (2)
Vaguely | [Permalink]
The last time i was in there I realized the line I was standing in wasn’t moving. Then I realized EVERYONE in my line was so stoned that they were just sort of looking off into space. The cashier paid no attention until I walked around everyone and checked out, at which point one stoner dude came up and said “hey man, nice cut!”
brooke. | [Permalink]
kevmo i’m really glad the rapture spat you back out so i could sit at work and giggle randomly at your nonsense and shenanigans