— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
This video perfectly sums up life in San Francisco (ignoring that it didn't have 660 calorie cans of Four Loko in it).
The second edit with the Kodak play sport now with wide & macro lenses. I'm trying to share what I see from day to day in San Francisco, CA. and surrounding bay area. Nothing serious. I hope you enjoy. weouthere.
(hat tip Macaframa)
Comments (5)
ONLYMERK | [Permalink]
oh. it’s a BMX video…
Hella Anonymous | [Permalink]
so those are the dipshits who would tag the big buddha statue.
lily white kids on bikes | [Permalink]
Hipster garbage. This has nothing to do with San Francisco.
J2F | [Permalink]
This is sick.
J2F | [Permalink]
I’m into this!