— By Jack Morse (@jmorse_) |
In a surprise turn of events, “Burrito Expert” Anna Maria Barry-Jester has named La Taqueria’s burrito the best burrito in the country. How was this super important decision made, you ask? Is Barry-Jester some sort of more fully evolved human, capable of eating any and all burritos in her path?
Well, not really. It turns out FiveThirtyEight, the organization behind this foodie March Madness, basically did what they do best and ran a bunch of regressions on publically available data aggregated by Yelp. Having done this, they then created some random metric called a VORB (Value Over Replacement Buritto) and narrowed the national field down to 64 contenders. Barry-Jester (and later, to a smaller extent, Nate Silver) sampled the burritos, giving each one an up or down vote.
And that’s basically it.
Obviously, this is just a comment on the personal tastes of Barry-Jester, and is not the final word on which of the nation’s many burritos will rock your personal world. I have to admit to being a little confused about the result, myself.
Local blogger/dude Ariel Dovas seemed to put it best:
As I watch the moon fade into the daylight it washes over me: my daughter will grow up in a world where the best burrito doesn't have rice.
— Ariel Dovas parody (@eviloars) September 10, 2014
[Photo: Jeremy Brooks]
Comments (7)
Their meat must be great, because their veggie burrito, flavorless filling in a rubbery tortilla, is the worst I’ve ever had. And I’ve had most in the neighborhood.
veggie burrito. lol.
Their tortilla is a shame, otherwise good burrito. But it doesn’t come close to espiga de oro
I’m fine with putting rice in a burrito if you want to stretch it into two meals. That’s the original intent after all, to provide filling food at a low price. But you don’t need it really. It’s already quite filling and has plenty of carbohydrate in the tortilla. I understand why people would like rice, but what’s with all the fanaticism?
Because you don’t mess with the combination of beans + rice. It would be like eating a hamburger without the bun, or something like that.
thier chicken super is the best burrito i’ve ever had. if you’re vegetarian, skip it. it does kinda suck.
chorizo burrito. that is all.