— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
When they aren't busy squandering their education on borderline Instagrammable latte art, they're waterboarding kidnap victims, doing blade hits, and drawing unfortunately-sized dongs on dinosaurs.
This and more on today's reason to never go to Rodger's Coffee.
Comments (5)
Acton Fowler | [Permalink]
that gets old fast.
Uppityfagisme | [Permalink]
Does she pick on that guy because he doesn’t have a chin?
That’s terrible.
wha? | [Permalink]
Where is dude’s chin? Why come no chin? Searching for Animal Chin?
Klongtorp | [Permalink]
the only thing that makes sense about that video are the douche chills that i got from watching it.
I thoughtalot before I typeDTHIS | [Permalink]
That was awesome.
Have fun.
Make stuff.
Might as well jump.