— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
If you thought reclaimed wood was going away anytime soon, you best think again. Grub Street has the details on just how reclaimed this wood is:
Over at West of Pecos (550 Valencia), they put up some new, reclaimed barn wood on the exterior yesterday, adding to the faux Western air of the place. As co-owner Dylan MacNiven tells us, the wood comes from a 150-year-old tobacco barn in Kentucky, and they'll be putting the finishing touches on it today.
Comments (14)
Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable | [Permalink]
May looks good now, but after it gets tagged to shit it is going to look terrible, and be nigh-impossible to clean.
Eric Gregory | [Permalink]
Look on the plus side – it’ll make the place easier to burn down.
PDBird | [Permalink]
We blame this on the nerd birds. Stop direct flights from Austin!
Chachito415 | [Permalink]
Any exploited migrant workers from KY’s tobacco fields will feel at home when they apply for one of the kitchen jobs at Pecos.
I don't think before I type | [Permalink]
I’m a little late in responding to this, but want to hear something funny? I’ll tell you anyway.
When I was growing up in Kentucky, the tobacco workers weren’t migrants. I mean, there were some folks who would move from place to place within the state, but they were Kentuckians.
Now a days, it’s more the exploited latino/latin migrant workers you might expect. Except for the exploitation, I’m not expressing any positive or negative opinion about this, I just think it’s an interesting phenomenon.
Here’s some discussion: http://books.google.com/books?id=wFqBGdNxmLkC&pg=PR6&lpg=PR6&dq=%22start…
I don't think before I type | [Permalink]
Your mom sure knows how to reclaim some wood…
I don't don't before I don't | [Permalink]
My mom sure knows how to reclaim some wood…..hey, wait a second! Mom, stop that! It’s embarrassing :(
Respects Wood | [Permalink]
Looks better.
I think before I type but I just don't care | [Permalink]
Recycling: It Didn’t Go Away with The 70’s
Rodney King | [Permalink]
Oh hippie sticks!
Slavish | [Permalink]
How environmentally sustainable is shipping a barn across the country? Stupid. They’re just copying an aesthetic trend without understanding the point.
I don't think before I type | [Permalink]
$10 for a beet salad. Ten. Dollars.
O'Leery | [Permalink]
A Piggly-Wiggly is probably in the works for Valen-sha Street. Welcome to Kentuckistan-by-the-bay.
Brillo | [Permalink]
I thought the stucco was more relevant to the southwest theme. What hath Kentucky to do with New Mexico?