— By Erika Kali |
We know this rain is totally bringing you down, and all you want to do tonight is sit at home and watch last week's episode of Start-Ups: Silicon Valley (OH-EM-GEE she live blogged her date with the nerd/model?! Pa-TEH-tic), but do yourself and your sanity a favor and head over to RVCA tonight for the release party for the next installment of you favorite zine, Get Weird Or Go Home II. From their Facebook event page:
Our beloved Get Weird Or Go Home zine is turning two this year and to celebrate we're throwing a bash with beers, babes, hot chick DJs, bands and lots of copies 4 sale!
The special twist to the evening is that photos from Get Weird Or Go Home will be hanging in the RVCA store and FOR SALE. Unreal, right? No way! This is real life and we are just so excited to show-off our talented friends!
**~~**Spinning music to sway, grind and rub elbows to: DJ MY G and LISA DINAMITA**~~**
**~~**ROCK AND ROLL BANDS to wink at cuties to include: Grandma's Boyfriend (http://on.fb.me/WB9UcB) and WARM SODA (http://warmsoda.bandcamp.com)!**~~**
The roll call of GWOGH's contributors reads like a who's-who of local photog's and creatives that have made a name for themselves already, plus I know *for a fact* that this event will be crawling with babes. Everywhere. Also, you're dying to know what “special shit” is.
See you there.