Ax or Machete-Wielding Lumberjack Chops Down Dolores Park Palm Tree

Because the J-Church needs to be made slower, some bored blade-owners decided to take advantage of the warm weather last night and cut up a palm tree along the park's Muni tracks.  Fortunately, they only made it about halfway through the tree before giving up.  But due to the risk of it collapsing onto a train or some crazed off-leash puppy, the city finished the job this afternoon.  Dolores Park Works reports:

The [Park Department's] arborist declared the tree an immediate hazard, [as] it leaned over the MUNI tracks, and work began to take it down early this afternoon. The crew arrived, just as the crowd of sunbathers were gathering on Gay Beach.  The tree crew needed to bring in two large cherry-picker trucks and a large pick-up through the Gay terrace.  A path was cleared through the growing crowd and by 2 pm, the tree was down.

And here's a small photo of the sliced tree:

[Dolores Park Works]

Comments (8)

WTF, people?

It’s that crazy box-knife wielding swing hating hag striking again, right?

Good grief, locavoracity/foraging has spread to urban forestry. What next - feral cat hunts?

Still - the large pick-up through the gay terrace sounds like a great idea. So maybe win?

That is messed up.

This is why we can’t have nice things, people.

It was probably blocking someones 2 million dollar view.

I’d sure rather have dolores’ undercover cop patrol watching for this kind of wanton destruction of a public resource resource than, oh, say, spending time busting “cold beer, cold water” for unlicensed park sales….