— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
While waiting in line for the new Nike Air Yeezys yesterday, crowds were delighted to the screams of an elderly woman described as on “that crack” trying to board a F-Market train through the windshield. Alarmed by her wailing, helpful samaritians tried to help her out by punching her in the face.
From the YouTube description:
Air yeezy 2 campout fight in the tenderloin district in san francisco. all this happened while we were in line at shiekh shoes. this crackhead hopped on the front of the trolly and wouldn't get off, so when the lady in pink tried to be a hero she got a SMACK SMACK to the face. air yeezy campout.
Personally, my favorite part is the dude risking life and limb to tag the trolley while all this noise is going on. Because, you know, it's not like there were any cameras on the scene.
[via SF Citizen]
Comments (7)
Axilla | [Permalink]
This is just sad. I don’t know what is worse:
1) Trying to ride like that. Crazy or on drugs.
2) Broke the windshield wiper
3) Moron tagging the trolley
4) All the people just watching and cheering
5) Lady tries to ‘help’, gets punched, then delivers beat down instead of just walking away
6) Vertical video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt9zSfinwFA
SlobDog | [Permalink]
Somebody call the mayor to solve this CRACK problem! We’re NOT a crack town we’re a drinky town trying to catch up.
Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable | [Permalink]
Stupid fucking tagger.
I don't blink before I type | [Permalink]
With fares constantly on the rise. Who can blame her!
Mr. Reasonable | [Permalink]
Geezus fuck, the YouTube comments on this video are illuminating.
shanks for the memories | [Permalink]
Me thinks this is part of the new Mid Market Revitalization….
tendermania | [Permalink]
this behavior is normal in sf what a great city.