— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Walgreens future is degenerating into the 1870's counter-service variety store from which it evolved.
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Walgreens future is degenerating into the 1870's counter-service variety store from which it evolved.
Comments (4)
Not in the Mission | [Permalink]
My local Walgreens has both condoms and milk available without asking anyone at the counter. Perhaps this one has a shoplifting problem?
Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable | [Permalink]
Who the fuck would steal milk?! I mean, it’s not very expensive, and it is big and heavy. That’s just weird. I am thinking maybe this fridge was broken, so they were keeping it in a different one.
GG | [Permalink]
I thought of that, maybe it wasn’t maintaining whatever temperature might be mandated by the health department for dairy products, but they had other things in the same fridge that included cheese and butter. The best part about my local Walgreen’s is that they keep items that include my $3.99 face wash and this hand cream that costs about $5 behind little locked plastic shields, but you can just move the adjacent products out of the way and reach around behind the plastic shield to get what you need. HIGH SECURITY!
Your Highness | [Permalink]
Walgreens fucking sucks. Especially the one in Diamond Heights