— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Drinking, fucking, shitting, pissing, puking, bleeding, stabbing, discharging firearms, sleeping, yelling, snorting, smoking, eating Taco Bell, blissing out, making out, mumbling indiscriminately, dry heaving, dry humping, disposing of used condoms, kicking, screaming, can collecting, dancing, tripping, falling, crying, jizzing, shooting blanks, coughing, breaking, entering, thieving, selling, painting, spraying, and mugging are all O.K., just please, channel your inner-Kate Moss elsewhere.
Comments (3)
Herr Doktor Professor Deth Vegetable | [Permalink]
No Diabetics Allowed?
Tony T | [Permalink]
That’s a Michelle Bachman campaign poster.
Broteen Shakes | [Permalink]
Uh… The syringe is on top of the Slashed O, so this means, “No not shooting up”.