The Single Life is a Perpetual Struggle Between Choosing Taco Bell or Sushi For Dinner

Of all my favorite writers on Tumblr, HONEY IN YR BRAIN is near the top of my list right now, as she has a keen perspective on SF culture and we share a love for run-on sentences.  Her latest bit tackles two of my favorite subjects: the single life and Mexican fast food:

Single life to me right now is like walking by Taco Bell and seeing a giant picture of a chalupa and realizing you hadn’t had one of those for awhile and then wanting it really bad but you have to remind yourself that you are on your way to a sushi dinner or something better than a chalupa (in theory) and even though you have to wait for your order and all that restaurant bullshit it might be more satisfying than the chalupa…..maybe……I don’t know you might leave hungry in the end anyway. I mean, it is sushi.

Can't help but agree there.  It's great to hold out for something good, but patience is a virtue of the boring and sometimes it's easier to just chase after something simple, even if you wake up in the morning with an inexplicable case of the clap merely from eating an Americanized tostada.

[Tumblr | Photo by Tim Sussman]