— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Unfortunately Ramona of “Things San Franciscans Like” fame has packed up her bags for NYC and opted to not pick a successor to her Appeal column. Well, MrEricSir seized the opportunity and rolled out “Things San Franciscans Despise,” which is probably going to be like Ramona's column, only focused on things like people who haven't lived in SF for at least 10 years, Golden Gate Park-goers discovering Dolores Park, and large bodies of water.
For his inaugural piece, Eric takes on the abomination that is sidewalk advertising:
Why are San Franciscans against sidewalk advertising? Well, first of all, public space is for the people, not for corporations. A coffee stand at the park? NO! A taco truck on the street outside Best Buy? NO! Oh wait a sec, those tacos are delicious. You know what? Never mind. We’ll discuss this later… OM NOM NOM.
Second, corporate advertising on public property offends our artistic sensibilities. Public art is fine with San Franciscans, and even though we can’t agree on whether or not graffiti is art, we can agree that corporate graffiti is NOT art. Art isn’t supposed to be an expression of greed unless you’re really ironic about it, like Andy Warhol or the guy who makes OBEY merchandise.
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