— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Scene from the first SF Bike Party Ride in December 2010, via Bikes and the City
After years of unexpected jealously towards our neighbors in San Jose and Oakland, San Francisco finally has its very own monthly Bike Party. The party is much like Critical Mass in which it is a regularly-scheduled group ride (second first Friday of every month) that everyone is welcome to attend. However, they eschew many of Critical Mass's more anarchic and, ahem, controversial practices: no riding in the left lane, stop at all lights, no splitting up the group, ride predetermined routes, and ride past all conflict. But perhaps best of all, every month has a party theme, such as zombies and pizza sandwiches. Yes, pizza sandwiches. And while Critical Mass will always be king thanks to its pioneering legacy and spontaneous parking garage acrobatics, it's always nice to see an upstart bicycle dance party rolling through the city giving us a second group ride fix every month.
If you want to check out this inaugural 2011 ride, head over to the Willie Mays Gate at Giants Stadium this Friday at 7:30.
Comments (10)
Willie “Mayes”?
Typical Boston sports fan.
Yeah, that was bad.
Giants Stadium?
Typical NY sports fan.
My family’s still stuck calling it PacBell, which is why I’m convinced AT&T refuses to ever give us cell reception…
“AT&T Park”
How does the don’t stop at red lights / don’t leave anybody behind thing work?
er, I mean do stop at red lights. My point is – how do they keep the ride together?
hola kevmo. thx for the links and all, itll be FUNFUNFUN.
**Just as a note, the SFBP is on the 1st Friday of ea. month