— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Mother Jones Magazine has launched a new education blog that is focusing on Mission High. Kristina Rizga explains:
Over the next few months, [Titania Kumeh] and I will be exploring American education trends through the hyperlocal lens of Mission High School, one of San Francisco's lowest-performing—though rapidly improving—urban public high schools. Instead of writing another shocker on the achievement gap, we'll ask students at Mission High and other inner-city schools what really works to help them to succeed. Instead of another diatribe on “value-added testing,” we'll report from real classrooms on what star teachers do. And instead of obsessing about fights between school chiefs and teacher union reps like Michelle Rhee and Randi Weingarten, we'll talk to teachers about their own employment contracts and tenure concerns. Don't get me wrong—we'll still cover the studies, talk to the experts, and report on conferences. But we'll let the realities of every-day life in schools be the primary driver of our coverage, rather than reactions to the latest reports, donation announcements, or accusations.
Read on. Or, if education and political issues isn't you thing, check out their tour of Mission High featuring pictures of REALLY HAPPY looking staff and chillingly accurate descriptions of high school life that make me really glad I never have to set foot into a classroom again.