— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
This video is a tad on the long side, but if you can get past your internet ADHD, you'll have a solid look back on Mission skateboard culture of the mid-90s. From the video description:
This footage is from 94. This is High8 footage from SF. I recieved the High8 tapes years later from a good friend: Marcos Nieves. The skating in this video is a good example of what you would find on the day to day in SF's Mission District. The LOS Crew consisted of many faces that where skateboarders, artists and people that were down for each other. Thank you for opening my eyes to some of the best times.
Comments (1)
4generationshere | [Permalink]
The skate shop was in Tom Scott’s house. It’s spelled Jaks as in Jak’s Team, a group of skaters that started skating here in the 70’s. and are still skating..Great vid.