— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
For some reason, there has been a recent spike in people trying to anoint “the Mission's best burrito.” I don't think anyone will deny how futile this quest is, but the quest is pretty telling on how people the internet approaches the subject. For example, Mission Loc@l's recent poll (visualized above) had El Farolito and Cancun within .77 points of each other, receiving 179 and 172 respective votes out of 905. Yet, Taqueria San Francisco, the 3rd best burrito in the Mission according to Burrito Eater, only received 1 vote. This only confirms my suspicion that people generally only eat what the SFBG tells them is the best burrito and really only bother to eat what's convenient to them. Sure, I eat a fair share of La Corneta, but that's only because it's a block from my house and I'm too lazy to waddle somewhere else. Frequenting a place doesn't make it the best.
Anyway, I digress. Even if Mission Loc@l's verdict was slightly bias in favor of locations easily accessible by BART, you have to respect them for at least being democratic. 7x7, on the other hand, is conducting a sampling of Mission burritos for their upcoming “food issue” in which Marina moms team up with two chefs to determine who makes the top tube of calories. Commence eye-rolling…
Comments (4)
The Mission’s best Burrito would be one wrapped in a copy of Mission L@co, were it that silly blog was published in print.
As for mine, I won’t name the spot, but they sell a “baby burrito,” which I order super-deluxe, that is just the right size and price.
burritos are played, if you’re still looking for the best one with a fucking panel you’re still on some tourist trap bullshit. Step your game up already and get rid of your foil wrapped training wheels
Please delete this entire article and replace with the comment above.
BurritoEater is by far the best burrito-related site on the planet.
My mental rankings are always based on single ingredients, though: Taq. San Francisco has the best cebollitas, El Gran Taco has the best pollo asado and really there’s no need to go on from there…