— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Reader Andy sent us this Haight St. scene from the weekend, noting “it's like rain on your wedding day.” Also, I'm no lawyer, but I believe it is illegal to campaign in uniform.
— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
Reader Andy sent us this Haight St. scene from the weekend, noting “it's like rain on your wedding day.” Also, I'm no lawyer, but I believe it is illegal to campaign in uniform.
Comments (8)
Yeah, but the cop wasn’t campaigning tho.
The anti-sit-lie people were a couple doors down, also with chairs n stuff. If they were to be cited by the SFPD for blocking the sidewalk, they’d have a powerful constitutional argument….
what a shock. these guys called me up thinking I was pro sit/lie but alas, I think it’s a crock. Remember the “Aggressive Panhandling” law? or the no trespassing law? or matrix? or any of these little gimmicks that never work because they don’t get enforced anyway and the DA never prosecutes and instead sit/lie will just mean that when someone’s in a bad mood you’ll get a nimby calling cops on your kid when they set up a a lemonade stand and CW Nevius will laugh.
I’m *still* pissed at Jordan’s Matrix for making the MUNI shelter seats so uncomfortable to sit on!
The irony of pro prop L folks breaking the sit/lie law as they campaign against such behavior on the sidewalk!
My thoughts exactly. And unlike some sidewalk-sitters, they aren’t just sitting there harming no one – they’re trying to take away peoples’ rights.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Candidates for SF School Board
Who are these guys, anyway? Future landlords? Privileged, late-twenties brats from Marin? Libertarians?
Political hacks paid by Alex Tourk with money from Pacific Heights venture capitalists?