— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
I've been seeing a lot of these tags going up around the Mission and Bayview. Ignoring the fact I've been digging the tags purely as an urban blightform, this is kind of weak. I mean, yeah, gentrification really sucks. Pretty sure a genocide of everyone wearing flannel and business casual will solve your problems.
In a possibly related note, there has also been an uptick of MS-13 tags around the hood. In this example, it is apparent that they have been having a cute laugh lately:
I personally don't have much experience with the MS-13 in the Mission, but I know if East Boston they won't think twice about chasing someone through a gentrified cafe with a machete. Or lighting a cat on fire and throwing it through a window (via Molotov Cattails). Pretty sure that would make Union SF residents think twice about going to Haus.