— By Kevin Montgomery (@kevinmonty) |
My sophomore and junior years of college, I rode my bike 10,000+ miles every year, was at my physical peak, and had to eat something absurd like 4,000 calories a day just to maintain being 20 pounds underweight. Then I discovered $9.99 handles of Gordon’s and 2 liters for $1 bottles of TD Select Orange Soda. Now that my top three life priorities have become alcohol, the interwebs and finding neon iPhone cases that match my ‘sick kicks,’ I’ve only managed to muscle out an epic 300 miles on my bike (the majority of which have been to and from sources of Old English). But today I had one of those rare mornings when I woke up stone-cold sober and clear headed following a Saturday night of not getting faced, so I decided to blow off my Dolores Picnic + 24s plans and dust off my Principia for a lovely Christ-My-Knees ride around Marin.
Well, I guess I missed some epic shit. Like goddamn a giant inflatable King Kong in the park.
And sleeping santas.
(photos by mrupert84)