— By Laura B |
There’s a new blog in town that’s a parody of 7x7’s bold hyper-local experiment. It’s pretty funny because let’s face it NO COMMENT (KEVIN!?) but I have some suggestions for OMG the Mish! I mean, if I were gonna make a bloghomage to that particular site, I’d post many photos of myself dancing at some obscure show because i’m not fat anymore and LOOK THESE ARE MY FRIENDS*. That would be the only thing I didn’t hate on or mock because OMG THEY LIKE ME. I’d also have some choice photos of blades of grass growing through the concrete and shit like that. Then maybe I’d move somewhere else that’s not the mission and have some other people posts news 5 days too late. AND DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE COMMENTERS. If you want to rock a true blogomage, you’re gonna have to get hateful brat commenters who hale from cities like Concord and don’t have the balls to move farther away from home. That’s the problem with the internet, it allows people who had no friends in high school to reign supreme(ish). It’s totally embarrassing. I want to beat up the internet.
Man, my parody blog would be the SHIT. If there were 35 hours in a day, I’d be all over that. I can’t wait until someone makes an Uptown Almanac blogomage. Please contact me for ideas on how to make fun of me.
And with that, I think I alienated half of the city of San Francisco. Good, I can’t stand your ugly faces anyway, come back when you’ve plucked your eyebrows and combed that rat’s nest. GOOD NIGHT!
*I personally am fat and LOVE IT. that is why i don’t suffer from former fatkiditis and the need to be cool…that shit is the worst thing that can ever happen to a fatty. anyway, i’m just calling it like I see it. It coulda been bad acne too.
Comments (7)
Is Mission Mission actually affiliated with 7x7 or are you just being snarky? Either way it’s hilarious.
I don’t get it.
Honestly, I don’t get it either. It’s the same format as mission two times, but they’re not taking any potshots or anything, so why bother taking some at them? Also, please forgive me, because I’m at least a dozen drinks into tonight and I shouldn’t even bother posting this, but, I’m confused and that is how confusion works (for me at least).
this is so far over my head, it’s a flight back to LA
also, i like burritos
I didn’t quite see it either until I read this post about Zeitgeist.
Yeah, I can’t tell if this is a super-dry parody that doesn’t bring the funny, or what. If it is it’s odd, because it’s not like mission mission is some beloved sacred cow of the blogosphere or anything (though it’s certainly ripe for parody at times, as with many Mission-related things). Besides the Zeitgeist bit, the post about Bender’s being a cool bar does seem like a direct response to the mission mission one.
But then they have the thing about the SF IndieFest, which if it’s parody I can’t really tell what they’re trying to say. No-budget regional film festivals have movies that aren’t very good? Ho ho ho, tell me another one, you devil!