— By Laura B |
Meave Gallagher, who blogs at Vegansaurus, has been selected as one of the judges for The Morning News’ Tournament of Books. She is in fine company with Jason Kottke, Alex Balk, and uh, this bitch!? Anyway, congrats to Meave for achieving nationwide fame and fortune! May she buy us all mansions with her billions of dollars! That’s all any of us are in this for. That and the hookers GOD I AM DOING THIS ALL WRONG.
Also, it would be awesome if the tournament of books included a death component, kinda like Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery. Like, you think you’ve won and then BAM! YOU’RE HELLA DEAD! Gotta teach these writers a lesson, they think they’re so special with their fancy book deals and rewarded talent GOD I AM DOING THIS ALL WRONG.
Comments (1)
njudah | [Permalink]
I keep trying to find ways to say “BAM! YOU’RE HELLA DEAD!” in conversations since reading this.