Pets & Animals

Punk-Rock Puppy of the Year

I was walking out of Dolores Park, a location I haven’t mentioned on this blog in a whole 36 hours!, the other day and noticed this punk-rock puppy.  I’m pretty sure this qualifies as animal abuse, even on Bay to Breakers weekend, but I still found the dog to look QUITE COOL.

"Animals in Peril"

I fucking love the nightly news.  First of all, they have nothing legitimate to report on so they have a 2:21 segment on an aggressive deer attacking some snowflake and her two dogs.  THEN THEY SEND A REPORTER TO COVER THE STORY LIVE ON LOCATION.  Then we find out the the deer kicked the women and “ripped her shirt off.”  I’m only 52 seconds into the video and I’ve already orgasmed.

Let me recap:

  1. Deer
  2. ass kicking
  3. topless milf

Thank you rabies. 


I wasn’t quite sure why I wanted to post this photo: nothing to do with San Francisco, nothing to do with anything in particular, but then it struck me: we have a “Whimsical Bullshit” category.  Suck it down, bitches.

(photo and subject by the always excellent KayVee.Inc)

Fabric8 is a Pretty Rad Space

I never bothered to check out Fabric8 because it always struck me as a place people went to eat “revolutionary street food” and not dig art.  Despite the fact this place relies on some dude selling kebabs or some shit to do all its promotion, it’s a pretty rad space.  Epic designs from astroturfed floor to ceiling, cheap Sirron Norris prints, and, best of all, a bathtub-fishtank (pictured).  I easily spent more time in awe over the fish than I did looking at any given piece of work, which isn’t a diss towards the artists but more a compliment to the fish.  Also, you can take a poop in there.  Neat!

(photo by Jeff D., who laughed at my original iPhone pic and sent me this)
