Art - The Streets

Beautiful New Zio Ziegler Mural Graces The Sycamore

Zio Ziegler, the muralist who recently painted a mural of a tiger mauling the hell out of people walking through doorways on 24th, is back in action.  This time, covering up the weird donut mural that replaced the Banksy piece.  And it's quite a looker too.  Just look at the skulls and birds he's left behind:

Ninja Turtles Set to do Battle With Their Fiercest Opponent Yet: Danny Developer

Cowabunga, dudes! Clarion Alley is the stage for the Ninja Turtles' most wicked showdown yet! Now that Raphael and the boys are done battling the likes of Shredder, and Krang, the Heroes in a Half Shell have their sights set of their gnarliest, fiercest, most well-funded opponent yet: Danny Developer and his spooky tongue of gentrification! Hellacious!

Raphael sure does have his work cut out for him.  Danny Developer has already been hard at work, spawning a network of condos, ice cream, and “another botique” that Raphael will slowly have to chip away at with his twin sai.  And you know how much the Turtles hate ice cream…

Turtle power!

[Mural Photo by MrEricSir | DP Ice Cream by Playin Jayne]

The Dilapidated Interior of the New Mission Theater

Sadly, we were unable to attend yesterday's community meeting about the plans to convert New Mission Theater into a boozy, 5-screen/900-seat Alamo Drafthouse. However, the Mission Local folks made it over there and took a bunch of photos of all the beautiful graffiti inside the joint (just look at that bird and tree!), which is pretty much the only thing we were interested in checking out in the first place.  Do take a further look.
