Ratching Up the Maturity on All Sides

Ratching Up the Maturity on All Sides

Twitter Employee Accused of Hurling Tomato at Protesters

Despite the widespread criticism of the “violence” of a protester barfing on a Yahoo shuttle, it seems one techie has decided to respond with an organic projectile of their own.

That’s right, as the so-called “class war” ratchets up across the Bay Area, quarreling factions have foraged for the finest weaponry known to bored Victorian theater-goers.  A little barf here, some leftovers there; now we’re cooking up a nauseating stew of activist bullshit.

The short-lived food fight went down at SEIU’s tax day protest, which marched from City Hall to Twitter.  As Nato Green told us:

The Union was protesting Mayor Lee’s tax breaks to tech companies and the degree to which they have aggravated economic inequality and displacement.

There were around 1000 union members and supporters marching from City Hall to Twitter and back. They stopped at Twitter’s doors to deliver a symbolic tax bill. As we were leaving, I heard a splat a few feet to my left and saw a tomato had landed in our midst.

The tomato allegedly came from open windows in the buildings “middle floors.”  Twitter itself occupied floors 5-11, with other tenants occupying other floors.  So while it’s possible it came from someone outside the company, the building’s other tenants are not too pleased with Twitter, either.  As one social worker from Golden Gate Regional Center, also inside the building, recently described Twitter employee’s stifling arrogance and ignorance to KQED:

Mid-market has changed but not that much. Every morning the mentally ill and substance abusers gather in front of our building. I heard a Twitter employee joke that he thanks Twitter every time he doesn’t smell urine on his walk to work. In his mind, Twitter was making things better. […]

One day there were protests outside our building. “People protest just to protest,” a Twitter employee said.

When contacted by Uptown Almanac, Twitter could neither confirm nor deny the incident.  Which is fair, because how can anyone really know.  Also?  It’s a tomato.

“It’s this kind of imperious caprese attitude that’s aggravating the conflict,” Nato later joked. “The splatter was pretty though.”

[Photo: SEIU Local 1021]