A Pod to Piss In

A Pod to Piss In

pPod: Open-Air Urinal/Masturbation Station Soon to be Accepting Fluids in Dolores Park

As we reported last Spring, the City has been long hoping to install a European-style pissoir in Dolores Park to save the Muni tracks from their weekly processed Tecate washdown.  And, now, they’re becoming a reality. Via the Chronicle:

First came the iPod - now comes the pPod, a custom-made, open-air urinal that San Francisco is installing at Dolores Park to help deal with the hordes of male hipster inebriants that descend on the popular Mission spot on weekends.

Essentially, says Recreation and Park Department project manager Jake Gilchrist, “we are talking about a screen and a drain” that can get the potty job done using “a much simpler design.”

That’s right, degenerate hipsters! Now you can ‘go public’ without having the police bust your bladder.

At a cost of $15,000, the celery stick (you be the peanut butter) will be installed in the coming months near the 20th and Church Muni stop.  For the time being, we’re only getting one, so we imagine this won’t have much impact on the lines. Alas, potty progress?

[SF Chron]