

Man With "Replica Gun" Is Shot and Killed By Officers At Mission Police Station

Various sources are reporting that Valencia Street between 17th and 18th is entirely shut down after an officer-involved shooting that took place earlier this evening.

According to Mission Local:

An assailant in the parking lot of the Mission District Police Station on Valencia pulled out a gun this evening and fired at police officers in the lot before being hit by police fire.

Hadley Robinson, a former editor of Mission Local, said she was 10 feet away on Valencia near the police station at around 5:25 p.m. when she heard police saying, “back up or put your hands up,” to a man who was in the parking lot with some officers.

Robinson said she was unconcerned and did not think the man had a gun. Then, he backed up into the middle of Valencia Street, pulled out a gun and opened fire. “There were a bunch of rounds between him and the police and somehow they (the police) got him down, he was not dead, but they had him on the ground,” she said.

More than a dozen police quickly emerged onto the streets, closing off Valencia at 17th Street and clearing the streets.


In speaking with reporters, Police Chief Greg Suhr stated that the weapon in question was a BB gun.


The San Francisco Chronicle is now reporting that the 32-year-old man accused of pulling a “replica gun” on police officers has died.


According to the latest reports, the man did not in fact fire at police officers. Mission Local is now reporting that “[one] eyewitness said the suspect opened fire, but [Police Chief Greg Suhr] said later that he was not aware of shots being fired by the suspect.”

This post’s headline has been updated to reflect ongoing developments. 

[Photo: Hadley Robinson]


The Bold Italic Managed to Get Their Employees' Social Security Numbers Stolen

On the evening of December 13th (or in the early morning of December 14th) the offices of The Bold Italic suffered a break in and were burglarized. In addition to the theft of computers, “paper documents” containing employees’ personal information were also stolen.

As detailed in a letter sent out by The Bold Italic to its employees notifying them of the incident, the documents contained names, social security numbers, email addresses and home addresses of The Bold Italic employees and independent contractors. It is worth noting that most of the writers for The Bold Italic are independent contractors.  

And while it is perhaps unusual that “paper documents” were taken alongside more commonly thieved items such as computers, it should come as no surprise to the taste makers at The Bold Italic—after all, handcrafted paper documents are so much more authentic than their digital counterparts. 


Police Officer Shot at 26th and Florida

Details are light as this is breaking, but a uniformed police officer was shot around 3pm on Florida Street between 25th and 26th. The officer, 23, had recently joined the police force [update: we have since learned the officer is 28 and has been on the force for six years]. What prompted the shooting is currently unknown, but a rumor is circulating that it was following a car chase on 101.

There were 6 or 7 shots fired according to a neighbor, and the officer was struck in the shoulder.  The officer was seen “bleeding out” and “someone was looking for a belt to tourinquet him.”

The suspect fled the scene in a gray Mustang.  We will update as we learn more.