Dirty Business

Dirty Business

Leaving Your Mark On The Mission

In today’s edition of how not to endear yourself to your neighbors, we received the following grievances and photo from a Capp Street tipster:

These yuppies put basically an entire house full of trash out on the street [Wednesday] evening. Neighbors were complaining but their reply was that they were waiting for sunset scavengers to pick it up, which more or less got people off their back. But when I woke up this morning all their shot was still outside. I called the non emergency line but all they would do is call the waste removal. These people need to be fined, since they clearly have no regard for the city or the people in it. Just sipping their cocktails, making bank on tech and just shit all over the city we call home.

Yuppies sipping cocktails, making bank on tech, and shitting all over San Francisco is quite the vivid image. And while this may or may not be the latest example of the obliviousness that often comes with tech wealth, it is most certainly an example of someone being an asshole.

So, in conclusion, don’t dump your garbage on the street, people. Come on. Capp Street Crap has enough material to work with without your help.