THIS WEEKEND: Get Drunk While Wearing Oversized Blue Blankets

Funcheap reminds us that this Saturday is the “Snuggie Pub Crawl”, which is basically SantaCon for the Polk Gulch set, complete with self-actualizing corporate sponsorship. That's right, instead of drinking your way through the day spreading Christmas cheer and your stomach acid all over the city, you'll just be drinking at all the bars you'd typically avoid while looking like an even more pathetic version of Liz Lemon.  Don't get me wrong, I'll be there because I love disaster tourism. However, instead of spending $14 at 'Targét' for a Snuggie, I'll just be wearing my “ghost” costume from 5th grade.  So be sure to clean the cat hair and Cheetos off your Snuggie before attending; you never know if you'll meet that special Astronaut who's as desperate and lonely as you at SnuggieCrawl!

[FunCheap SF]

Comments (4)

Sweet, now the douchetard hipster mission people can ruin this just like they ruined SantaCon. IT WAS BETTER BEFORE.

if you need a theme to go to a bar you’re fucking lame.

Two things:

Earl, wait, are you saying that the Snuggie Crawl was better before the news caught on?

Meanwhile, who the hell would consent/smile/not-kill some god awful news reporter filming them to be stock footage for a report like this?

watch out wearing those blue blankets in the Mission right now…