It's Debate Season at the 500 Club and the Roxie!

Now that we're mere weeks away from the most important, generation-defining election of our lifetimes, it's debate season in America.  And on Wednesday, the first of four debates that will determine the future of America will go down, as the Massachusetts Machine squares off with the Illinois Illuminati on domestic issues, off-shore bank accounts, and the socialist takeover of American values.  What fun!

Fortunately for us in the Mission, we have an opportunity to come together as a community and drunkenly heckle every fib, gaffe, wink, sneeze, mumble, and righteous burp.  Both the 500 Club and Roxie Theater will be airing all four contests, with the 500 promising cheap beer and Clare's delivered straight to your barstool and the Roxie providing big screen access to the nightmare for ten bucks.

Here's the schedule:

Weds. Oct. 3rd, 6-7:30pm
Barack and Mitt get down on domestic policy!

Thurs. Oct. 11th, 6-7:30pm
Biden and Ryan duke it out over foreign AND domestic policy!

Tues. Oct. 16th, 6-7:30pm
Town hall meeting in which ordinary folks ask Obama and Romney down-to-earth, Main Streety questions!

Mon. Oct. 22nd, 6-7:30pm
Holy fuck another one?

UPDATE: The bartenders over at the 500 Club are encouraging everyone to bring debate bingo cards!  Winner might get a shot and a beer!

Comments (7)

Or we can just spend the 10 bucks on 40’s and listen to the debates on KCBS radio and hang out at a parklett in the mission for free.

Thanks for the post!
Now that there is also that big tv in the back room we should be able to sardine can so many more of you this time! 5 television! Whoa. I might cringe every time ____ talks, but I promise to be nice about it. …
If you bring Debate Bingo cards, I might be extremely tempted to buy winners a shot or a beer. Definitely going to make some bingo cards for the VP debate.
Since there is a playoff game on the 11th, it should make for a rather hilarious evening at the bar.
Sports season at its best.

I’ll be there with my crackpipe. Gotta stay alert as I don’t wanna miss a single word spoken!

“the most important, generation-defining election of our lifetimes,” « Is this sarcasm?

Shotwell’s is also airing the debates…

Pop’s will be airing baseball games or Point Break.