A Unique Opportunity to Chill

San Francisco's beloved P.D. Bird is currently raising money to revamp his bird bike and bird blog, and after watching her promotional video, I'm sure you'll understand why we must promote the cause:


Comments (5)

Poor little bird needs to learn to spell.

Can I get a handout so I can buy myself some stuff?

Patricia is always super-friendly to her bike valets! Buena suerte.

I loved bike touring with P.D. She knows all the best spots to stop for cookies! Her bike is pretty janky though and her perch could use a change of clothes. I look forward to watching her webcam while I’m stuck at my desk at work.

Can someone explain to me why the shots of the hobos at the beginning? Is it a sly reference to the fact that PD Bird is a panhandling taker as well? Or is it just some lookitthepoorpeople middle class white people bullshit?