Mission District Gets Divided Like A Divorce Settlement Gone Bad

Have you ever broken up with someone and mentally had to divide up “your” places to avoid running into each other? It looks like someone took their failing relationship a step further and pulled a stunt reminice of that time in college you duct taped the floor of your dorm room in an attempt to send a message to your booze-stealing roommate.

When all is said and done, what side is the best side? I suppose it really comes down to what kind of Mission you want: Dolores Park, Bi Rite and Tartine, or Benders, El Farolito and 14 luggage stores.

Comments (5)

Definitely the latter.

No contest. You can get a shitty wheeled suitcase for like FIFTEEN BUCKS!!!

Divide it east/west at 20th St. Benders, Uptown, Four Barrel vs Pops, El Rio, Haus.

lucy & ricky