Guys, Flavor Flav is Homeless and Needs Our Help

I still can't believe: there I was walking down 22nd last night and Flavor Flav came up and asked me to “spare 31¢ for Muni.”  Poor guy is so broke that all he can afford is some weird alarm clock that isn't an iPhone.  Sadly, I don't carry change, so after turning down his simple request, he went on screaming semi-incoherently at his friend discussing politics.

Comments (3)

I don’t understand the point of this post. I know it’s intended to be humorous, but I’m unsure of who or what I’m supposed to laugh at.

Sadly this wouldn’t be too hard to believe, given that his (ex?) wife was last seen getting wasted on cheap vodka in a park somewhere in LA.

Thought maybe for just a second it was Tall bike Bobby!! Bobby’s Tall Bike Tour from Vancouver BC to Los Angeles, CA. Biking a ridiculous bike to show that biking isn’t ridiculous @tallbikebobby or on facebook