The Golden Hour: A Live Talk Show About SF Debuts Saturday!

Oakland Nights…Live! has been going strong for almost a year now, so they've decided to bring their non-radio radio show (or, as they describe it, “half Johnny Carson, half Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, half Fresh Air”) to foggier pastures with The Golden Hour.  What can we expect?  The Golden Hour's stage manager Karina fills us in:

It's going to be a quirky, funny collection of small skits, comedy bits, announcements, and maybe a song or two. It's framed as a radio talk show but nothing is recorded - it's a live performance. There is usually audience participation. It really has its roots in San Francisco. A lot of the ideas we've talked about incorporating involve current events in the city and the backdrop we've made include SF landmarks.

They're also promising an infusion of fake sponsors, an appearance by local stand-up Eric Cash, and a spot by Stephen Prescott (who hosts the Doctor Who podcast), so you'll want to be there.

It's all happening at 7pm Saturday at the freshly remodeled Bissap Baobab Village on 19th.  Five bucks at the door!

[Photo by Jonathan Lee B.]