How to Ride a Bike With an Iguana on Your Head

  1. Obtain Iguana.
  2. Name Iguana “Skippy.”
  3. Go to your psychiatrist and receive a “prescription” for your newfound pet iguana, classifying him as a “service iguana.”
  4. Have the prescription read “To whom it may concern, I am the treating psychiatrist of Mr. Cosmie Silfa. I have been treating Mr. Silfa for depression. His pet iguana, Skippy, helps him to maintain a stable mood as she provides companionship and motivation for him to stay well. She is an essential component of our treatment plan, and I recommend she continue to be able to live with Mr. Silfa in his apartment.”
  5. Buy a bike helmet.
  6. Go ride.


[Pic by Burrito Justice]

Comments (1)

Shit,we are gonna get one of those! Then Rainbow grocerie can kiss my lil birdie ass…They are still the ONLY place we have ever been that kicked us out because of “the bird”(twice)….