Wise Sons Gets a Geyser

There's a nice young geyser outside of Wise Sons Jewish Deli right now, so I guess we're going to start referring to this thing as a wiser.

I'm so sorry.

UPDATE: Here's a video of the geyser dominating the landscape, shot from Potrero Hill:

[Photo by Broke-Ass Stuart]

Comments (4)

Could I get that on a geyser roll please?

I got a video of the sucker from potrero hill. By the time I cycled down there to get it up close and personal it was way smaller, barely above building height. I was expecting more mayhem from the way it looked from afar, but all there was were a bunch of wet cars and a small crowd of onlookers. Oh, and a huddle of sheepish looking guys in orange safety vests with pickaxes…

Go ahead - what music is that played in “slow - moo” …