The New Mission Playground and Pool is Lookin' Good

All the new courts and fields are freshly paved and painted—so clean, it almost makes the picture look Photoshopped.

[Photo by VIVA Valencia]

Comments (4)

Where’s the pool?

So much better than trees

Hi Mission Playground Neighbors,

The Recreation and Park Department will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony for Area 1 of the Mission Playground Renovation project which includes the new plaza and playground and water play feature at Valencia Street, the soccer field, and tennis and basketball courts.

The event is scheduled for Tuesday, May 22 at 9:30am. Please come help us celebrate the newly renovated park. We hope to see you there.

Meghan Tiernan
Project Manager

San Francisco Recreation and Park Department | City & County of San Francisco
Capital Improvement Division | 30 Van Ness Ave, 5th Floor | San Francisco, CA | 94102

Ahhhh….its seems like just yesterday this blog was criticizing the park being closed.